Breakthrough To Clarity


Six Week Coaching Course For Women





Have you noticed that the more you "think" about your situation, the MORE confused you get? Work 1-on-1 with Michelle for six weeks and —> Get The Clarity You Want!

Module One: Stabilize Your Emotions & Untangle The Issues

90-Minute BREAKTHROUGH Session With Michelle

Restore Your Emotional Equilibrium: Learn how to restore balance to your system so you can stop living at the mercy of constantly fluctuating feelings —> the critical first step in the process of clarifying what you want.

Learn The X-Factor To Break-Out-Of-Limbo: Learn why "thinking" is leading you in circles and what to do instead to break the vicious cycle of vacillating back and forth.

60-Minute Coaching Session With Michelle

Module One includes: 90-Minute Breakthrough Session with Michelle, 60-Minute Coaching Session with Michelle, EFT Tapping Scripts, and Monday — Friday Email Support with Ashley.

Module Two: The Affair Triangle | Affair Partner —> Husband —> You

60-Minute Instruction Session With Michelle

Learn How The Affair Triangle Works

Affair Partner: Learn the two most important factors that you NEED to take into consideration when assessing your affair partner as a potential future mate.

Husband: Clarify your feelings for your husband. Learn how to get to the root issue —> discover two clarifying questions that can reveal the future of your marriage.

You: Discover your "style" for bringing situations to a close (just knowing this can free you from your confusion).

60-Minute Coaching Session With Michelle

Module Two includes: 60-Minute Instruction Session with Michelle, 60-Minute Coaching Session with Michelle, EFT Tapping Scripts, and Monday – Friday email support with Ashley.

Module Three: Move Forward With Certainty And A Clear Conscience

60-Minute Instruction Session With Michelle

New You: Your affair changed you. It not only changed the way you see yourself, but it also changed the way you see your life and your relationships. An affair can provide valuable information for personal growth. Or, an affair can inhibit personal growth and keep you stuck for years. Don't waste this opportunity for real and lasting change. Learn the 3 life-changing lessons that an affair can teach you about love and relationships so you can avoid repeating painful relationship patterns in the future.

New Beginnings: Discover a simple an effective way to wipe the slate clean and start fresh!

60-Minute Coaching Session With Michelle

Module Three includes: 60-Minute Instruction Session with Michelle, 60-Minute Coaching Session with Michelle, EFT Tapping Scripts, and Monday – Friday Email Support with Ashley.


Total Cost $1500.00


Not Ready For The Course —> Schedule A Breakthrough Intensive With Michelle


        T e s t i m o n i a l s


Michelle, you saved my life. I know that sounds dramatic, but I believe it's true. I couldn't have lived the way I was living for much longer. I will be forever grateful to you for helping me through this difficult time in my life. I feel truly blessed to have found you! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Cindy Kansas City MO" Cindy Kansas City MO

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Thank you so much for everything! I felt so seen and understood during my session this morning... it was refreshing to hear that I'm normal ... and to know someone not only gets it, but has practical and actionable steps I can take to pursue health and healing. Helenia Long Beach

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I had been in counseling for about 7 months prior to working with Michelle. Every week it was the same conversation with my counselor. I just went around and around in circles. It was like there was this door that I didn't want to go through and Michelle just took me by the hand and walked me right through it. Thank you so so much! Kathy Annapolis MD

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Michelle, you have helped me so much!! I was stuck for over 2 YEARS before I found you. Can you believe that... so pathetic. Words can't express my gratitude to you. Thanks to you my life has completely changed in the last six months. You truly inspired me. I bought the house!! I'm in the process of fixing it up now! You are awesome Michelle! Thank you so much. Jenny Florida

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If you would like additional information about Michelle Langley's Breakthrough To Clarity Coaching Course For Women please contact Ashley at




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