3 Signs Your Wife Is Cheating —> Learn What Signs To Look For When Women Cheat.

3 Simple But Very Revealing Signs


          • Sign #1 —> Does Your Wife Want More Alone Time When She’s At Home? If your wife is cheating, she’ll want lots of time alone to “fantasize” about her affair partner. For example, has your wife started going into a separate room to watch TV or read? Or has your wife been going to bed earlier or later than you? When women are cheating, they spend an inordinate amount of time “fantasizing” about their affair partners (in fact, women derive most of their pleasure during an affair from fantasizing). In Women’s Infidelity II, I refer to this important aspect of female infidelity as “emotional masturbation.” If your wife suddenly wants a lot more time alone, seems irritated whenever she’s interrupted from her thoughts, and appears distracted or somewhat “out of it” most of the time, this is a red flag that she may be cheating.the process of saving your marriage.
          • Sign #2 —>Has Your Wife Changed The Way She Grooms Her Pubic Hair? If you’ve done any searches online for signs that your wife is cheating then you already know that changes in grooming habits are a big red flag. However, I want to add a sure tell sign to the usual lists that typically include things like dressing better, getting a new hairstyle or going to the gym. When women cheat, they often start grooming their pubic area differently. For example, if your wife has started to shave more of her pubic area than she did before, or if she’s shaving more frequently than she did before, this is a big red flag that she may be cheating. (Note: Your wife may become more guarded with her body in order to hide that she’s grooming her pubic area differently).
          • Sign #3 —> Is Your Wife Having Mood Swings? If your wife is cheating, she not only has an additional relationship, and additional relationship issues that are influencing the way she feels; but the relationship itself, simply because it’s new, will act on her like a drug. So if your wife’s mood is constantly fluctuating or if she’s swinging from one extreme emotional state to another, and this is unusual behavior for her, it could be a sign that she’s cheating.


            Do An Honest Assessment. Has Your Behavior Become Compulsive?

            Do an honest assessment. Have you been doing multiple google searches for articles about signs that your wife is cheating? But despite all the information that you’ve read, you’re still not ready to take any action to deal with your situation directly? It’s not uncommon for men to get stuck in a loop where they’re constantly consuming information in order to avoid facing the reality of their circumstances. Unfortunately, the longer you wait, the worse things will get. If you feel that you’ve been compulsively consuming information about female infidelity and signs your wife is cheating—don’t put off getting the support and step-by-step direction you need to save your marriage. Contact Ashley to learn more about scheduling a consultation.


            If you haven’t read the Women’s Infidelity books, that’s where you need to start. You’ll find out exactly what your wife is thinking, feeling and planning — so you can stop analyzing—and stop operating from a mindset that leads to divorce. For a limited time all book orders include a FREE COPY of “Save Your Marriage Now!” from Michelle Langley’s coaching course for men.

            Order Women’s Infidelity Now

            Recommended By Counselors And Therapists All Over The World

            Women’s Infidelity: Living In Limbo

            Learn The REAL Reasons Women Cheat, And:

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            Why women are more likely than men to become addicted to affair sex
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            Women’s Infidelity II: Breaking Out Of Limbo

            Learn How To Sort Through Your Feelings:

            How to know if your feelings for the other man are real
            • How to understand your feelings for your husband – what it really means when you say, “I love him, but I’m not “in” love with him
            How to know if there’s a possibility for a future with the other man
            • How to stop your circular thinking
            How to end your confusion and move forward in 7 clearly defined steps
            Men: Learn how women process infidelity. Find out exactly what your wife is thinking and feeling

            Order Women’s Infidelity Now

            Click Here To Order Women’s Infidelity… And Go Inside The Female Mind During An Affair