Confusion During An Affair... Should You Stay Married Or Divorce Your Husband?
How Women Get “Stuck” During An Affair
If you’re like most women during an affair, you’re constantly THINKING; and you believe that eventually, all of your THINKING will lead to clarity about whether you want to stay married or get divorced. Unfortunately, that’s not what actually happens. You see, there are two main obstacles that prevent women from gaining clarity during an affair. Obstacle #1: Stress – During an affair, the chemical cocktail of “new love” creates changes in our brain chemistry; and these changes affect our ability to… Read More
Choosing Between Your Husband And Your Affair Partner
Do you feel torn in two by the thought of having to choose between your husband and your affair partner? As authors Chip and Dan Heath explain in their book, Switch, “Your brain isn’t of one mind. The…brain has two independent systems at work at all times. First, there’s what’s called the emotional side. It’s the part of you that is instinctive, that feels pain and pleasure. Second, there’s the rational side, also known as the reflective or conscious system. It’s the part of you that deliberates and analyzes and looks into the future.”Read More
How Women Get Emotionally “Hooked” When They Cheat
Are you an intensity junkie? Women have a tendency to confuse deeper feelings with spiked emotions and impulses — because they enjoy having their emotions spiked and stirred — and they also enjoy spiking and stirring emotions in others, too. You see, all of us have a mixture of masculine and feminine energy; and each of these energies have both positive and negative qualities. One of the dark or negative qualities of our masculine nature is an attraction to physical violence; while, one of the dark or negative qualities of our feminine nature is an attraction to emotional violence. … Read More
Recommended By Counselors And Therapists All Over The World
Women’s Infidelity: Living In Limbo
Learn The REAL Reasons Women Cheat
• Why women lose sexual desire for their husbands
• Why women are more likely than men to become addicted to affair sex
• Why marriage and fidelity can actually be MORE difficult for women than it is for men
• Why women have such a hard time getting over their affairs emotionally and psychologically
• Why women overwhelmingly initiate the majority of all divorces – even when they’re married to good men
• Why and how men unknowingly make the problem worse by doing the opposite of what they need to do to save their marriages
Women’s Infidelity II: Breaking Out Of Limbo
Learn How To Sort Through Your Feelings:
• How to know if your feelings for the other man are real
• How to understand your feelings for your husband – what it really means when you say, “I love him, but I’m not “in” love with him
• How to know if there’s a possibility for a future with the other man
• How to stop your circular thinking
• How to end your confusion and move forward in 7 clearly defined steps
• Men: Learn how women process infidelity. Find out exactly what your wife is thinking and feeling