After Your Wife Cheats
How To Set Boundaries After Your Wife Cheats
During a recent consultation, Dylan (not his real name) said, “I really need to reinforce boundaries with my wife. My wife is still talking to the guy she had an affair with, and she doesn’t think it’s a big deal. But I don’t think she should be talking to the guy, And that’s why I wanted to talk to you. I need you to tell me how to reinforce boundaries with my wife.” Shortly into our conversation, it was apparent that Dylan wanted someone to tell him the right words to say to his wife that would automatically trigger her to stop doing the behaviors he didn’t like. Unfortunately, like many people, Dylan didn’t understand the process of setting boundaries and that’s why issues were still arising in his marriage around his wife’s affair… Read More
How To Forgive Your Wife For Cheating
There are two types of betrayed men —> betrayed men who are desperate to get their wives to recommit to the marriage and —> betrayed men whose wives have already recommitted to the marriage.
Betrayed men whose wives have already recommitted to the marriage know something that betrayed men who are “in-pursuit-of-a-commitment” don’t know. Betrayed men whose wives have already recommitted, know that getting a commitment from their wives, doesn’t change anything… Read More
Recommended By Counselors And Therapists All Over The World
Women’s Infidelity: Living In Limbo
Learn The REAL Reasons Women Cheat
• Why women lose sexual desire for their husbands
• Why women are more likely than men to become addicted to affair sex
• Why marriage and fidelity can actually be MORE difficult for women than it is for men
• Why women have such a hard time ending and getting over their affairs
• Why women overwhelmingly initiate the majority of all divorces – even when they’re married to good men
• Why and how men unknowingly make the problem worse by doing the opposite of what they need to do to save their marriages
Women’s Infidelity II: Breaking Out Of Limbo
Learn How To Sort Through Your Feelings:
• How to know if your feelings for the other man are real
• How to understand your feelings for your husband – what it really means when you say, “I love him, but I’m not “in” love with him
• How to know if there’s a possibility for a future with the other man
• How to stop your circular thinking
• How to end your confusion and move forward in 7 clearly defined steps
• Men: This book is for you, too. In this book you’ll learn how women process infidelity. Find out exactly what your wife is thinking, feeling and planning
Click Here To Order Women’s Infidelity… And Go Inside The Female Mind During An Affair